8 Self-Care Tips for Managing Anxiety in the New Normal


Self-Care Tips for Managing Anxiety in the New Normal

As the world battles coronavirus (and the spread of COVID-19), social distancing is becoming the new norm in 2020 — and we’re having to adjust. Most of us are getting used to working from home, and though the lack of routine might feel destabilising, there are lots of positives to be had. No commuting, saving money on everyday luxuries like coffee and takeout lunches, lots of time to upskill and unplug.

But emotionally, this period of self-isolation can bring up feelings of anxiety, stress, loneliness, powerlessness and maybe even self-judgment for not feeling optimistic or in control. With so much going on, it's more important than ever to keep yourself physically and mentally healthy enough to deal with what’s happening in our lives - and to keep our immune systems protected too. 

We’ve put together some tips to help you keep the coronavirus anxiety at bay and find ways to thrive during self-isolation. Let’s jump in.


Tip 1: Remember that you’re not alone — the whole world is having a tough time right now.

Be gentle with yourself. Try not to judge yourself for having sad or anxious feelings. It’s not always easy, but generally when you can recognise that you’re absolutely justified in feeling anxious or sad, you’ll be in a much better place to move forward. 

Whether it’s sad news, conflict, loss, or some other kind of emotional baggage that tends to reveal itself during times when you’re alone, when your usual freedom has been taken away, or when you’ve spent too much time with someone - taking some time to slow down and accept that low points can and will happen to us always helps regain perspective. Sooner or later, these feelings will pass.

Tip 2: Protect your energy.

If you’re feeling a racing heart or sleeplessness now and again, that’s a sure sign of anxiety.

There’s a lot going on right now, from jobs being cut to societal norms being thrown out of the window - and with that comes a lot of things you feel like you have to do or be. But if you find yourself facing a task that would compromise your wellbeing in some way, then don’t feel like you can’t decline. 

Being aware of and anticipating your emotions can be infinitely more helpful than pretending the negative feelings don’t exist. If you know there are certain topics or people that tend to trigger feelings of anxiety or panic, then try to limit the time and energy you give to them. If life in general is really getting you down, then you might need a news or social media detox. Don’t be afraid to speak to others either.

Tip 3: Connect to your loved ones in this uncertain time.

From a five-minute phone call, to a group Facetime session, to a 30-second voice note on Whatsapp, connecting with someone you care about will boost your mood and remind you that you’re not alone in this. Everyone is feeling just as anxious and concerned about the future. Everything is uncertain, and although the world is likely going to return to its usual frantic pace, we have no idea what the new normal will look like.

Spend time connecting with friends and family. Having a laugh takes so much stress and worry away. There are so many apps and extensions such as Houseparty or Netflix Party that can help you feel like you’re hanging out with friends as normal. We’re social creatures - take comfort in your loved ones.


Tip 4: Take time to do things you enjoy

Little things can make a world of difference when it comes to your ability to cope with busy and stressful periods in life. Do what works for you - and schedule it into your routine if necessary. Just because you’re working from home, it doesn’t mean you need to push yourself even harder.

Start the morning with some meditation to help soothe anxiety. Listen to calm music, or use guided meditations on apps like Insight Timer or Headspace.

Maybe gratitude journaling is your thing. Maybe it’s doing yoga, or taking a walk in the park (if you can go outdoors, fresh air always helps).

Maybe it’s a skincare ritual. Maybe it’s even just getting your favourite coffee, or reading a couple of pages from a new book.

Whatever it is that makes you feel good - take some time out to do it as often as you can reasonably manage. Although the benefits of participating in activities that promote physical health have great knock on effects for mental health, prioritising yourself when you need to can only ever be a good thing.

See these activities as your time to rest and recharge, and they’ll become treasured moments of calm you can look forward to throughout your week.

Tip 5: Stick to your normal daily routine as much as possible.

Once you’ve lost the freedom of going out, and if you have extra tasks or financial worries to think about during this time, it can be difficult to stick to a normal routine and hard to think about things objectively. The best thing to do? Adapt to the great indoors. Research has found that following a routine results in a better immune system, less stress, and better sleep patterns. 

Anticipating when you’ll need to do certain tasks — laundry, cleaning, admin, meetings — and planning it in around your normal routine help you retain a sense of control over your schedule - and you can even plan in some extra time to focus on things you enjoy doing.

Tip 6: Pay attention to what you put in and on your body.

What you put in and on your body has been shown to directly affect your mood - and during times of heightened stress and hectic schedules, there’s no doubt that keeping your mood as stable as possible can only be a good thing.

We’ll never tell you how you should and shouldn’t eat; but you don’t have to be an expert to know that being aware of your weaknesses when it comes to diet and nutrition is incredibly helpful, as well as having a plan to help you make better choices when snacking at home - whatever that means for you.

Skincare products are also notorious for containing mood-altering chemicals. Synthetic ingredients commonly found in these products (like parfum) are known to disrupt your endocrine systems and change the way your hormones and moods are regulated - so we always recommend sticking to natural skincare products as much as you can, especially when you’re using products like moisturiser more regularly.

Products containing CBD (like our CBD infused coconut oil) can even have a calming and regenerating effect on the skin - perfect for when you’re stressed, or if anxiety and other emotions are causing eczema or acne flare-ups.

If you’re used to using a dozen different beauty and skincare products on your skin every day, then maybe this is the time to simplify your routine. 


Tip 7: Declutter for a clear mind

Most of us want our home to be a sanctuary we can retreat to and relax in. But when you’re bombarded by visual clutter, distractions and “stuff” all the time you can actually experience more anxiety, not to mention that navigating clutter every day makes finding things and winding down even more stressful than it needs to be.

Having a tidy environment can actually help you feel more relaxed in the long run. And if tidying isn’t enough to clear the clutter, we say go a step further and get rid of anything that isn’t serving any real purpose in your life anymore. You’re going to be in your house a lot more now. Make the space work for you and your routines. Get photos up, light some candles, take your laundry off the floor, and turn your bedroom, if nothing else, into a safe haven.

Once you start letting go of things that don’t evoke positive emotions or memories, you’ll also start to experience the benefits of having less.

Tip 8: Remember to stretch and move

If you’re feeling a little bit low, exercise might be the last thing on your mind. It’s easy for hours to go by, hunched over our laptops and taking online meetings, before we realise that we haven’t moved for a while.

Even just five minutes of stretching deeply, connecting to every muscle in your body and relishing the feeling of movement, can be a mood booster. Stand up, move around, get a glass of water. You’ll feel so much better for it. We have the power to control our day and our feelings.

Times are a-changing. But we’re all in this together. Reach out to us at anytime, through email or social media. We’re still fulfilling orders and deliveries, so if you’d like to help support our independent small business at this time, you can browse our range of products.